InvestigationBusiness, Labor Meet the Wealth Gap The super rich fund think tanks and lobbyists to increase the distance between them and everyone else – while those at the bottom face the economic draft. Gabriel ThompsonThe NationJune 30, 2008
InvestigationWorld Zimbabwe: The Reign of Thuggery Robert Mugabe’s violent and corrupt rule faces its first significant threat in nearly three decades: a loss at the polls. Joshua HammerThe New York Review of BooksJune 26, 2008
InvestigationPolitics McCain’s Secret, Questionable Record John McCain refuses to release his Navy records and had his national security advisor inflate his resume with a bogus promotion. Is the candidate hiding something? Jeffrey KleinHuffPostJune 16, 2008
InvestigationJustice, World Collateral Damage America's War Against Iraqi Civilians Chris Hedges & Laila Al-ArianNation BooksJune 1, 2008
InvestigationPolitics, World Gitmo in Disarray Internal memos and court documents show the prosecutors involved with the military commissions view the process to be dangerously politicized. Ross TuttleThe NationMay 26, 2008
InvestigationPolitics The Family The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power is a penetrating look at the untold story of Christian fundamentalism’s most elite organization, a self-described invisible network dedicated to a religion of power for the powerful. Jeff SharletHarperCollinsMay 20, 2008
InvestigationPolitics Blacklisted by the Bush Government Spying on Americans without warrants, charges based on secret evidence, small towns divided by fear. Welcome to the world of Bush’s “specially designated global terrorists.” Tim ShorrockSalon.comMay 19, 2008
InvestigationLabor, World Dollar-Driven Recruiting To get enough recruits to go fight in Iraq, the Department of Defense has lowered recruiting standards – and now it’s throwing money at the problem. Allen McDuffeeThe NationMay 16, 2008
InvestigationBusiness Identity Crisis Rupert Murdoch is giving The Wall Street Journal more global reach, but he’s sacrificed in-depth investigations for breaking news. Liza FeatherstoneColumbia Journalism ReviewMay 1, 2008
InvestigationJustice Famous Are the Flowers Inside the fierce – if hidden – struggle for sovereignty in Hawaii. Elinor LangerThe NationApril 28, 2008