InvestigationPolitics Political Corruption and the Art of the Deal How Trump's business partnerships in India are creating conflicts of interest in the White House and corrupting the presidency. Anjali KamatNew RepublicMarch 21, 2018
InvestigationWorld After US Journalist Killed in South Sudan, a Quest for Answers What does it take for a freelance journalist to navigate conflict zone reporting? Simona FoltynColumbia Journalism ReviewMarch 15, 2018
InvestigationWorld Ethnic Cleansing May Be Underway in the DRC The killings resemble the early stages of an ethnic cleansing campaign directed at members of the Hema ethnic community. Nick TurseViceMarch 12, 2018
InvestigationBusiness, Justice, Politics Did Palantir Secretly Use New Orleans to Test Predictive Policing? Palantir deployed a predictive policing system in New Orleans that even city council members don’t know about. Ali WinstonThe VergeFebruary 27, 2018
InvestigationEnvironment, Politics DOI Scientist Resigned After Demand for Sensitive Oil Data Another controversy hits the Interior Department. Adam FedermanMother JonesFebruary 21, 2018
InvestigationBusiness, Environment Too Big to Fine, Too Small to Fight Back Texas’ environmental agency targets small business owners for minor recordkeeping violations, while letting the corporate polluters off easy. Naveena SadasivamThe Texas Observer, GristFebruary 21, 2018
InvestigationEnvironment, Health Replacing Toxic Firefighting Foam The military is cleaning up drinking water contaminated with firefighting foam — while using dangerous new formulas. Sharon LernerThe InterceptFebruary 10, 2018
InvestigationHealth, Labor The Looming Elder Care Crisis in America Some 80 million people will be seniors by 2050. Our national home-care infrastructure isn’t close to ready. E. Tammy KimBloomberg BusinessweekFebruary 9, 2018
InvestigationPolitics The Man from Sullivan and Cromwell Under Trump’s SEC, Wall Street secrecy expands as enforcement shrinks. Susan Antilla & Gary RivlinThe InterceptJanuary 30, 2018
InvestigationJustice One Doctor is Risking Illinois’ Federal Funding Illinois ordered him to tell women where to get abortions. Now he wants Illinois to suffer. Sarah PosnerHuffPostJanuary 28, 2018