InvestigationHealth, World Sons and Daughters The village in the Dominican Republic where girls turn into boys. Sarah A. TopolHarper'sJuly 27, 2017
InvestigationHealth The Battle Over Essure Some people see a breakthrough in female contraception. Others see a dangerous medical device. Jennifer BlockThe Washington Post MagazineJuly 26, 2017
InvestigationBusiness, Politics The Advice Trap Financial advisers want to rip off small investors. Trump wants to help them do it. Susan AntillaThe InterceptJuly 16, 2017
InvestigationBusiness, Environment, Immigration, Labor Monsanto’s Tainted Fields of Gold Monsanto and seed-corn companies continue to use contractors despite allegations of migrant labor abuses. Laird TownsendMidwest Center for Investigative ReportingJune 30, 2017
InvestigationBusiness, Environment, Immigration, Labor A Bushel of Labor Complaints Lawsuits against seed-corn companies shed light on rising use of labor contractors. Laird TownsendMidwest Center for Investigative ReportingJune 29, 2017
InvestigationJustice, Politics Home Is Where the Hate Is Trump’s fixation on demonizing Islam hides true homegrown US terror threats. David NeiwertRevealJune 22, 2017
InvestigationJustice, Politics How We Analyzed Domestic Terror Incidents To build our Homegrown Terror database, we obtained data from a variety of sources. David NeiwertRevealJune 22, 2017
InvestigationWorld Ghost Nation An ethnic-cleansing campaign by the government threatens to empty South Sudan. Nick TurseHarper'sJune 20, 2017
InvestigationImmigration, Justice Information Overload How sanctuary cities can protect undocumented immigrants from ICE data mining. Ali WinstonThe InterceptJune 16, 2017
InvestigationEnvironment, Politics The War on Coal States President Trump may be a friend to producers of coal — but his administration is already working to shortchange the communities that produce it. Adam FedermanSlate MagazineJune 15, 2017