InvestigationJustice, Politics They Knew Something Was Going On The US government repeatedly ignored its own watchdogs as dozens of noncitizens died in its private prisons. Seth Freed WesslerThe NationJune 15, 2016
InvestigationBusiness, Justice A Shot to the Heart A police officer learns the hard way how lethal Tasers can be. Matt Stroud & Nick BerardiniThe InterceptJune 7, 2016
InvestigationJustice Hard Time The US is the only country that routinely sentences children to life in prison without parole. Lisa ArmstrongThe InterceptJune 3, 2016
InvestigationBusiness Google’s Payday Loan Gamble Over the years, the company’s more profitable advertisers have been payday lenders. Gary RivlinThe New YorkerMay 21, 2016
InvestigationWorld The Long Rescue A man’s search for his kidnapped children. Sonia FaleiroHarper'sMay 18, 2016
InvestigationImmigration, Justice The High Cost of Unpaid Leave Paid family leave doesn’t just support gender equity in the workplace. It may also prevent babies’ deaths. Virginia Sole-SmithSlate MagazineMay 6, 2016
InvestigationWorld The Morning They Came for Us Dispatches from Syria. Janine di GiovanniW.W. Norton & CompanyMay 3, 2016
InvestigationImmigration Consider the Cable Guy Your cable installer used to be employed by Comcast or Time Warner. Now he’s joined the 1099 economy — and an app schedules every moment of his day. Virginia Sole-SmithSlate MagazineApril 15, 2016
InvestigationJustice The Secret Rules of the Internet The untold history of online content moderation, and how it’s shaping the future of free speech. Soraya Chemaly & Catherine BuniThe VergeApril 13, 2016
InvestigationJustice Roe v. Wade Was Lost in 1992 How “undue burden” — a concept nurtured by anti-abortion groups and championed by the first woman on the Supreme Court — has eroded the right to choose. Meaghan WinterSlate MagazineMarch 28, 2016