InvestigationPolitics Ted Cruz’s Howitzer Equal parts drill sergeant, data junkie, brawler, and entrepreneur, Jeff Roe will do anything to win. Andy KrollNew RepublicJanuary 20, 2016
InvestigationHealth, Labor Stretched Thin Personal trainers are frequently overworked, undertrained, and underpaid by their gyms. James HannahamSlate MagazineJanuary 6, 2016
InvestigationJustice “I Felt Set Up” “Medical” pregnancy centers are starting to look more like abortion clinics. Meaghan WinterCosmopolitanDecember 17, 2015
InvestigationHealth Forced Meds at the Bellevue ER Doctors in Bellevue’s psychiatric emergency room routinely order forced injections to sedate patients who refuse to have blood drawn Ben HattemCity LimitsDecember 17, 2015
InvestigationPolitics Marco Rubio’s Billionaire Backers The freshman senator has gone beyond other candidates in tailoring a foreign-policy platform that appeals to moneyed hawks. Eli CliftonThe NationDecember 11, 2015
InvestigationEnvironment, Justice Irradiated The hidden legacy of 70 years of atomic weaponry: at least 33,480 Americans dead. Rob Hotakainen, Lindsay Wise, Frank Matt & Samantha EhlingerMcClatchy DCDecember 11, 2015
InvestigationEnvironment, Health, World The Kissing Bug Disease Does the World Health Organization’s pay-to-play regulatory system inhibit innovation? Jean Friedman-RudovskyAl Jazeera AmericaDecember 9, 2015
InvestigationImmigration, Justice, Politics Homeland Insecurity How to run drugs, smuggle migrants, and get away with it at America’s biggest law enforcement agency. Melissa del Bosque & Patrick MichelsThe Texas ObserverDecember 7, 2015
InvestigationJustice What About Us? Nearly 3 million kids have a parent in prison. They’re fast losing the right to family visits. Sylvia A. HarveyThe NationDecember 2, 2015
InvestigationBusiness, Health, World The Drug Rep Will See You Now Pharmaceutical sales reps are screening people in India in return for prescriptions for their products. Welcome to “corporate social responsibility.” Frederik JoelvingBritish Medical JournalDecember 2, 2015