InvestigationBusiness, Environment, World The Case Against DuPont New evidence reveals that for decades DuPont knew about the serious health effects of C8, the chemical most famously used in the production of Teflon. Sharon LernerThe InterceptAugust 18, 2015
InvestigationBusiness, Politics Destroying the Lower Nine The community’s stalled recovery is a man-made disaster. Gary RivlinThe NationAugust 13, 2015
InvestigationEnvironment, Politics Katrina: After the Flood Gary Rivlin traces New Orleans’s efforts to rebuild itself, and the storm’s lasting effects on the city’s geography, infrastructure — and its psychic, racial, and social fabric. Gary RivlinSimon and SchusterAugust 11, 2015
InvestigationBusiness, Environment, World The Teflon Toxin DuPont and the chemisty of deception. Sharon LernerThe InterceptAugust 11, 2015
InvestigationJustice Parenting While Black Toya Graham on violence, fear, and Freddie Gray. Carla MurphyTalking Points MemoAugust 11, 2015
InvestigationBusiness Debt and Deceit Debt relief firms that once preyed on underwater mortgage holders have a new set of victims — those sinking under student loans. John WasikForbesJuly 29, 2015
InvestigationWorld The Making of Leopoldo López A closer look at the democratic bona fides of the rock star of Venezuela’s opposition. Roberto LovatoForeign PolicyJuly 27, 2015
InvestigationJustice Gay and Fired in Indiana When Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, he claimed the law was “not about discrimination.” But employers there can fire workers for being gay or trans — and they do, all the time. Tim MurphyThe NationJuly 21, 2015
InvestigationBusiness What Recovery? Two years in a town where the Great Recession never ended. Kai WrightHarper'sJuly 20, 2015
InvestigationJustice Who’s Behind the Planned Parenthood Sting Video? The Center for Medical Progress is led not by well-meaning bioethicists but by members of the anti-choice movement. Eli Clifton & Amanda MarcotteThe NationJuly 16, 2015