InvestigationBusiness The Long Shadow of Bad Credit A bad credit score used to block your access to bank loans. Now it may keep you from getting a job, too. Gary RivlinThe New York TimesMay 11, 2013
InvestigationJustice, Politics Cover of Darkness San Francisco police turned a blind eye to some of the city’s most dangerous criminals — who were also some of their most trusted sources. Ali WinstonSF WeeklyMay 8, 2013
InvestigationEnvironment Beauty Tips for the FDA Did my wife’s cosmetics give her breast cancer? Inside a regulatory disaster zone. John WasikWashington MonthlyMay 6, 2013
InvestigationBusiness, Politics The Reverse Revolving Door Disclosures reveal that corporations and lobbying firms award six-figure bonuses to staff who leave to take powerful positions on Capitol Hill. Lee FangThe NationMay 6, 2013
InvestigationImmigration, Politics Over the Line Why are US Border Patrol agents shooting into Mexico and killing innocent civilians? John Carlos FreyWashington MonthlyMay 6, 2013
InvestigationBusiness Courts’ Campaign to Squeeze Poor Debtors Goes Awry In Philadelphia, aggressive collection efforts have had Kafka-esque results. Daniel DenvirPhiladelphia City PaperMay 2, 2013
InvestigationJustice The Missionary Movement to “Save” Black Babies Inside the anti-abortion movement’s evangelical drive to reach “urban” and “underserved” women and communities. Akiba SolomonColorlines.comMay 2, 2013
InvestigationJustice The 10 Worst Prisons in America Prisons are nasty places by design, but these 10 stand out as the most brutal and horrific places to do time. Jean Casella & James RidgewayMother JonesMay 1, 2013
InvestigationBusiness, Politics How Wall Street Defanged Dodd-Frank Battalions of regulatory lawyers burrowed deep in the federal bureaucracy to foil reform. Gary RivlinThe NationApril 30, 2013
InvestigationBusiness, Environment, Justice Will This Pill Fix Your Sex Life? Inside big pharma’s campaign to hype — and treat — women’s sexual dysfunction. Jennifer BlockNewsweekApril 29, 2013