InvestigationEnvironment Defunding Pollution Research Canada has defunded the Experimental Lakes Area, where scientists made crucial discoveries regarding acid rain, mercury, and other pollutants. Peter Andrey SmithDecember 24, 2012
InvestigationBusiness The New Loan Sharks Watch out — payday lenders are now targeting seniors. And some are even garnishing Social Security benefits. John SandmanAARP MagazineDecember 3, 2012
InvestigationPolitics The Truth about Grover Norquist The man renowned as an anti-tax ideologue is actually a typical K Street operator. Lee FangThe NationNovember 28, 2012
InvestigationWorld The NGO Republic of Haiti Those who make decisions about Haiti’s recovery work in a Sapphire City of deluxe trailers, glistening toilets, and international cuisine. Few actual Haitians are welcome there. Kathie Klarreich & Linda PolmanThe NationOctober 31, 2012
InvestigationBusiness, Environment, Justice The War on Depression Because of big pharma’s influence, many doctors downplay the dangers of taking certain prescription medications while pregnant — including several common anti-depressants. Dyan NearyElleOctober 30, 2012
InvestigationPolitics Will Rep. Buck McKeon Go Down? The powerful House Armed Services chairman regularly cashes in political favors, fails to disclose conflicts of interest, and speculates in the industries he regulates. Lee FangThe NationOctober 26, 2012
InvestigationBusiness, Environment Welcome to Kochworld To see how the Koch brothers’ free-market industry utopia operates, look no further than Corpus Christi, Texas, where the billionaires own two oil refineries. Melissa del Bosque & Jen ReelThe Texas ObserverOctober 25, 2012
InvestigationJustice Behind Clinic Walls How a wave of new state laws mandating ultrasounds and scripting “informed consent” has fundamentally altered the relationship between pregnant women and their doctors. Michelle ChenSalon.comOctober 21, 2012
InvestigationBusiness, Politics Mitt Romney’s Bailout Bonanza How Mitt and Ann made millions — and Mitt’s hedge fund donors made billions — from the auto-industry rescue he condemned. Greg PalastThe NationOctober 18, 2012
InvestigationJustice California’s Cruelest Prisons Solitary confinement is wrong, whether it’s here or in Iran. Shane BauerLos Angeles TimesOctober 18, 2012