InvestigationPolitics How Big Business Is Buying the Election Never mind the Super PACs, post-Citizens United, it’s trade associations that are shoveling corporate cash into the November elections — and helping foreign money influence American politics. Lee FangThe NationAugust 30, 2012
InvestigationBusiness, Environment Backyard Battlefields The rolling hills, forests, and rural communities of Northern Arkansas share this misfortune: they sit atop the Fayetteville Shale, one of the country’s largest natural gas reserves. Welcome to the bloody business of fracking. J. Malcolm GarciaOxford AmericanAugust 27, 2012
InvestigationEnvironment, World Bolivia Battles a Highway Indigenous groups in Bolivia are resisting a Brazilian-led highway project that would slice through a national park—risking vast environmental damage. Jean Friedman-Rudovsky & Noah Friedman-RudovskyYale Environment 360August 27, 2012
InvestigationBusiness, Justice Gun Politics The NRA’s pro-gun competitors; the rise of concealed carry; and disturbing gun violence in the birthplace of the gun industry are the subjects of these sidebars to “How the Gun Industry Got Rich.” Jarrett MurphyCity LimitsAugust 24, 2012
InvestigationBusiness, Politics Are New York City Gun Laws the Next to Fall? New York City is one of the last places left in America with a rigorous process for handgun permits. And that puts it in the NRA’s crosshairs. (A sidebar to “How the Gun Industry Got Rich.”) Jarrett MurphyCity LimitsAugust 23, 2012
InvestigationBusiness, Politics How the Gun Industry Got Rich The NRA’s dire warnings that the President is a threat to the Second Amendment are bogus — but extremely profitable. See sidebar on New York City gun laws here. Jarrett MurphyThe NationAugust 23, 2012
InvestigationJustice Locked Up Without a Key in New Orleans Seven years after Katrina, poor people in New Orleans who are accused of crimes are being denied counsel — and left to languish behind bars. Karen HouppertThe NationAugust 22, 2012
InvestigationWorld Dissident Thunder How a pro-democracy insurgency — comprised of activists in exile, in prison, or underground — returned to take Burma’s military junta by storm. Delphine SchrankVirginia Quarterly ReviewAugust 13, 2012
InvestigationPolitics Romney Steered a Key Olympic Project to a Friend Did the insider deal violate Romney’s own Salt Lake ethics rules? Wayne BarrettMother JonesJuly 27, 2012
InvestigationEnvironment, World Peruvians Face Off Against Newmont Mining The Colorado-based Newmont Mining Corporation is embroiled in a controversial project in Peru that locals say threatens their water and their future. Bill WeinbergThe ProgressiveJuly 25, 2012