InvestigationImmigration, Justice The Minutemen’s Demise How the murder of a 9-year-old girl and her father caused the implosion of the nativist border-watch movement. David NeiwertAlterNetJuly 23, 2012
InvestigationWorld Rumble in the Jungle As Brazil builds continental infrastructure in South America, indigenous communities fight for their way of life. A photo essay. Noah Friedman-RudovskyForeign PolicyJuly 20, 2012
InvestigationWorld The Bully from Brazil South America’s superpower is the force behind a highway that will bisect Bolivia, part of a continental infrastructure network mired in controversy. Jean Friedman-RudovskyForeign PolicyJuly 20, 2012
InvestigationImmigration, Justice, Politics Inside the US Border Patrol Recent deportees level charges of verbal and physical abuse, sexual assault, and even torture at the US Border Patrol. Part 2 of a series; see Part 1 and Part 3. John Carlos FreyNeed to KnowJuly 20, 2012
InvestigationImmigration, Justice, Politics Cultura de crueldad en la frontera Revelan que agentes destruyen botellas de agua dejadas para quienes cruzan. John Carlos FreyEl DiarioJuly 20, 2012
InvestigationImmigration Cruelty on the Border A hidden camera shows Border Patrol agents destroying water jugs left for migrants, and the abuse just gets worse. John Carlos FreySalon.comJuly 20, 2012
InvestigationBusiness, Politics The Dark Side of a Bain Success A for-profit health care chain bought by Bain, which still produces profits for Mitt Romney, has exploded with tales of neglect. Art LevineSalon.comJuly 18, 2012
InvestigationBusiness Illegal Payday Loans Thrive in Cyberspace Of the 18 states with bans or restrictions on payday loans, New York’s is the toughest. But that hasn’t stopped online lenders from targeting customers in the Empire State. John SandmanCity LimitsJuly 16, 2012
InvestigationBusiness, Labor The Pink Pyramid Scheme How Mary Kay cosmetics preys on desperate housewives with hollow promises of work/life balance and “executive level” salaries that almost never materialize. Virginia Sole-SmithHarper'sJuly 16, 2012
InvestigationJustice Ground Zero for Stop and Frisk No neighborhood saw more police stops in 2011 than East New York, stop-and-frisk’s epicenter, where residents living in fear of the police. Jarrett Murphy & Jeanmarie EvellyCity LimitsJune 22, 2012