InvestigationBusiness, Labor, World Illegal Fishing, A Daring Escape Thailand’s fishing fleet is chronically short of fishermen, and human traffickers have stepped into the breach. Part 2 of 2. Becky Palmstrom & Shannon ServiceNational Public RadioJune 20, 2012
InvestigationBusiness, Labor, World Confined to a Thai Fishing Boat Thailand’s fishing fleet supplies a large portion of America’s seafood. It also makes use of trafficked workers who are often trapped at sea for years on end. Part 1 of 2. Becky Palmstrom & Shannon ServiceNational Public RadioJune 19, 2012
InvestigationWorld Border Raids Raise New Fears In western Ivory Coast, a flashpoint of the 2010 post-election crisis, four border raids were reported in the past 10 months. Robbie Corey-BouletThe Toronto StarJune 7, 2012
InvestigationWorld Target Cambodia In return for millions in investments, Cambodia is giving out huge land concessions to China and Vietnam, displacing tens of thousands. Laura Rena MurrayThe World Policy JournalJune 6, 2012
InvestigationWorld Ivory Coast Violence Continues A year after post-election violence erupted in Ivory Coast, evidence of extrajudicial killings at the hands of troops loyal to President Ouattara. Robbie Corey-BouletThe Toronto StarMay 25, 2012
InvestigationPolitics Romney’s Shady Connections In 2003, David Simmons pleaded guilty on federal tax charges related to the Olympic bribery scandal, but that hasn’t stopped Mitt Romney from taking his money. Wayne BarrettThe Daily BeastMay 14, 2012
InvestigationWorld Sino the Times China’s new English-language world media service has an annual budget nearly 20 times that of the BBC. But can China’s billions buy media credibility? Sambuddha Mitra MustafiColumbia Journalism ReviewMay 3, 2012
InvestigationWorld Burma Gold Rush It’s not China. But the thaw in Burma has triggered a wave of investors who see an emerging market where there once was brutal military rule. Joshua KurlantzickProspect MagazineApril 27, 2012
InvestigationImmigration, Politics Crossing the Line at the Border Eight people have been killed along the Mexican border in the past two years. Did US immigration agents use excessive force? This is the first of a three-part investigation; see Part 2 and Part 3. John Carlos FreyNeed to KnowApril 20, 2012
InvestigationHealth, Immigration, Politics Death Along the Border Insufficient training and little public oversight have led to problems, including violence against migrants. John Carlos FreyLos Angeles TimesApril 20, 2012