InvestigationEnvironment, World Toxic Trash Billy McKenna and Kevin Wilkins survived multiple tours in Iraq. But they died of rare illnesses not long after coming home. J. Malcolm GarciaOxford AmericanAugust 24, 2011
InvestigationJustice Deadly Secrets How a California court decision has shielded brutal Oakland police officers from accountability. Ali WinstonColorlines.comAugust 16, 2011
InvestigationEnvironment, World Smoke Screen In Afghanistan, the US military disposes of millions of pounds of garbage each day — electronics, mattresses, plastics, even human feces — in open burn pits. Are toxic clouds from these sites making everyone sick? J. Malcolm GarciaGuernicaAugust 16, 2011
InvestigationPolitics, World State vs. Defense How sixty years of American militarism created the Cold War, fanned decades of unnecessary conflict, fueled Islamist terror, and could bankrupt the country. Stephen GlainCrown PublishingAugust 2, 2011
InvestigationEnvironment, Labor, Politics Rules Should Follow Small Fishermen Is the government destroying fisheries in order to save them? Tom GogolaNewsdayJuly 29, 2011
InvestigationBusiness The Billion Dollar Bank Heist How the financial industry is buying off Washington and killing reform. The only winners seem to be well-paid lobbyists and the legislators who are being showered with campaign dollars. Gary RivlinNewsweekJuly 12, 2011
InvestigationWorld The Shelters That Clinton Built After Haiti’s earthquake, the Clinton Foundation promised hurricane shelters that would double as classrooms. But they delivered shoddy, formaldehyde-tainted trailers from the same company that supplied FEMA after Katrina. Isabel Macdonald & Isabeau DoucetThe NationJuly 11, 2011
InvestigationEnvironment, Labor, Politics Bycatch 22 As a twisted consequence of overfishing regulations, commercial fishermen have no choice but to catch sea bass, flounder, monkfish, and tuna — and throw them dead back into the sea. Tom GogolaNew YorkJuly 10, 2011
InvestigationWorld Doubt, Suspicion at Cambodia War Trial A UN court brings some former Khmer Rouge leaders to justice amid suspicions that it whitewashed related investigations. Douglas GillisonTimeJune 28, 2011
InvestigationWorld Operation Birthright How a small group of wealthy American Jews and Israeli politicians set out to create the next generation of Zionists. Kiera FeldmanThe NationJune 16, 2011