InvestigationJustice The Evangelical Adoption Crusade Even after the Silsby affair, when ten American missionaries were arrested in Haiti for attempted child theft, the Christian adoption movement is unchastened. Kathryn JoyceThe NationApril 26, 2011
InvestigationImmigration, Justice, World Fate of Deportees in Liberia ICE’s Secure Communities initiative claims to deport only serious felons, but even asylum applicants get caught up in its net — and face dire consequences once sent back to their home countries. In Liberia, it can mean serious prison time. Deepa FernandesPRI (Public Radio International)April 21, 2011
InvestigationBusiness Bad Credit It’s easy to fall down the payday lending rabbit hole. And the industry is adapting so quickly to new regulations, you just may never get out. Kai WrightThe NationApril 8, 2011
InvestigationJustice Gitmo in the Heartland They were set up covertly by Bush — but the Obama administration has expanded them. Inside the secret prisons that ban virtually all contact with the outside world. Alia MalekThe NationMarch 11, 2011
InvestigationBusiness How Safe Are Your Savings? Your broker may peddle them as “low-risk” investments. But many structured products are so risky they could destroy your life savings. Welcome to the no-regulation zone. John WasikAARP MagazineMarch 3, 2011
InvestigationJustice How We Train Our Cops to Fear Islam There aren’t nearly enough counterterrorism experts to instruct all of America’s police. So we got these guys instead. Meg Stalcup & Joshua CrazeWashington MonthlyMarch 2, 2011
InvestigationEnvironment Firm Pays Government to Challenge Pesticide Research A private company responsible for conducting research on pesticides has paid a US government agency to prove that some chemicals in question are in fact safe. Sheila KaplanPolitics DailyMarch 1, 2011
InvestigationJustice How To Stop Suicide by Cop Some say many of the 400 people killed by cops each year wanted to die. But is “suicide by cop” just a way to avoid police accountability? Julia DahlMiller-McCuneFebruary 24, 2011
InvestigationPolitics, World Teodorin’s World Playboy bunnies. $2 million Bugattis. Bags full of cash. Meet the world’s richest minister of agriculture and forestry. Ken SilversteinForeign PolicyFebruary 22, 2011
InvestigationPolitics How Bloomberg Does Business How Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Bloomberg LP helped fix the NBC-Comcast merger — and protect Bloomberg’s media empire. Aram RostonThe NationFebruary 11, 2011