InvestigationWorld China’s War on Tibetans in Exile Behind China’s war on Tibetans living abroad is a concerted Chinese offensive to de-legitimise Tibetans in exile — and get local governments to lock them up or deport them. Greg BrunoThe NationalFebruary 18, 2010
InvestigationHealth, Politics EPA: On Nanoparticle Safety, We Know Nothing Nanoparticles are used in medicine, cosmetics, sunscreen, and electronics. Yet safety studies are nearly non-existent. Sheila KaplanPolitics DailyFebruary 18, 2010
InvestigationLabor, Politics Timed Out on Welfare, Many Sell Food Stamps In Connecticut, which has the shortest welfare time limit in the country, desperate families are selling food stamps for pennies on the dollar to cover basic necessities. Seth Freed WesslerColorlines.comFebruary 16, 2010
InvestigationJustice, Politics The Abandoned Orphanage The behind-the-scenes story of how The Family brokered a truce between the pro-choice Hillary Clinton and Mother Teresa, the anti-choice nun, by moving Clinton rightward on reproductive rights. Kathryn Joyce & Jeff SharletReligion DispatchesFebruary 12, 2010
InvestigationBusiness, Labor Making Ends Meet in the Great Recession The story of Tisha, an unemployed mother of three in Connecticut, who’s facing a social safety net shredded further by the economic crisis. Seth Freed WesslerLink TVFebruary 3, 2010
InvestigationJustice, World For Us Surrender is Out of the Question A story from Burma's never-ending war Mac McClellandSoft Skull PressFebruary 1, 2010
InvestigationWorld Moscow’s New Rules It’s either death threats and assassinations or state subsidies with lots of strings attached; all in all, a tough time for investigative reporting in Russia. But some are gutting it out. Adam FedermanColumbia Journalism ReviewFebruary 1, 2010
InvestigationWorld Chinese Backlash to Obama-Lama Summit As President Obama plans to meet with Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader, Western governments are increasingly conceding to Chinese pressure on the issue of Tibet. Greg BrunoForbesJanuary 31, 2010
InvestigationBusiness, Health Is Your Cell Phone Hazardous to Your Health? Ever worry that that gadget you spend hours holding next to your head might be damaging your brain? Well, the evidence is starting to pour in, and it’s not pretty. Christopher KetchamGQJanuary 26, 2010
InvestigationPolitics Dallas’s Evil Genius How will Texas billionaire and conservative political donor Harold Simmons make his next billion? By burying hazardous waste in West Texas. Laray PolkD magazineJanuary 25, 2010