InvestigationPolitics, World The CIA, Siberia and the $5 Million Dollar Bar Bill How a laughably inept CIA mission to buy helicopters in Siberia — another episode of the covert “war on terror” — ended in a federal corruption trial. Sharon WeinbergerThe New York PostAugust 16, 2009
InvestigationBusiness, Politics Obama’s Plan To Help Homeowners Is Struggling Why the Obama administraton’s plan for voluntary assistance to overleveraged homeowners – “all carrot and no stick” — is failing to meet national goals. Zach CarterSalon.comAugust 6, 2009
InvestigationEnvironment Eagle Alaska Exacerbated by global warming, Yukon river flooding destroys the historic Alaskan fishing village called Eagle. Ted GenowaysStudio 360 (Public Radio International)July 31, 2009
InvestigationWorld Donkey Business The Marah Zoo in Gaza is a microcosm of the coping mechanisms walled-in Gazans have had to adopt. Sharon WeinbergerSlate MagazineJuly 23, 2009
InvestigationWorld Iran’s Green Wave The state of play of Iranian politics around this year’s much-disputed presidential election, which saw a massive popular opposition movement take to the streets. Robert DreyfussThe NationJuly 20, 2009
InvestigationWorld Welcome to Hamaswood Asdaa, the Hamas movie set built to resemble a typical Gazan street, is subject to the politics of its Islamist owner and the constraints of life under Israeli siege. Sharon WeinbergerForeign PolicyJuly 16, 2009
InvestigationJustice, World A Thousand Little Gitmos In pursuit of alleged terrorists, abuse of secrecy and detention rules by federal prosecutors has compromised basic principles of American justice. Petra BartosiewiczMother JonesJuly 1, 2009
InvestigationWorld Refusing to Comply: Resistance in an All-Volunteer Military Dissent in the military is most associated with draftees during Vietman, but in today’s “all-volunteer military” acts of refusal and resistance are on the rise. Dahr JamailTomDispatchJune 30, 2009
InvestigationBusiness, Environment Radioactive Revival in New Mexico Plans to resume uranium mining on Native American lands in New Mexico have sparked fears of renewed environmental destruction, illness and death – along with racial tensions. Shelley SmithsonThe NationJune 29, 2009
InvestigationPolitics, World Iraq’s New Death Squad The first major investigation of Iraq’s Special Operations Forces, the largest special forces outfit ever built by the United States, which functions with near total impunity. Shane BauerThe NationJune 22, 2009