InvestigationPolitics After Obama Victory, Hard Lessons from the ACORN Smear Campaign A new wave of vote suppression followed the Republican Party’s attacks against ACORN. Art LevineAlterNetNovember 7, 2008
InvestigationPolitics Activists Fear Long Voting Lines in Virginia Virginia Governor Tim Kaine failed to provide enough voting machines and poll workers to meet the expected explosion in turnout in minority precincts. Art LevineThe Washington IndependentNovember 3, 2008
InvestigationPolitics Aish HaTorah’s New ‘Obsession’ Aish HaTorah’s New ‘Obsession' Sarah PosnerThe Jewish WeekOctober 29, 2008
InvestigationPolitics McCain’s Bermuda Triangle Just months after the Keating Five scandal, John McCain hosted a family reunion at a Bermuda Navy base — on the taxpayer’s dime. Ross TuttleThe NationOctober 28, 2008
InvestigationEnvironment, Health, Politics Northern Exposure Sarah Palin promised to advocate for special-needs children once elected, but in Alaska she has refused to limit toxins that cause fetal abnormalities. Sheila Kaplan & Marilyn Berlin SnellNew RepublicOctober 28, 2008
InvestigationPolitics McCain’s Kremlin Ties McCain’s tough talk on Russia belies his close ties with Russian oligarchs, including the role played by advisor Rick Davis in advancing Putin’s ambitions in Montenegro. Ari Berman & Mark AmesThe NationOctober 20, 2008
InvestigationJustice, Politics Justice, Bush-Style GOP loyalists have taken over the Justice Department and retooled the civil rights division as a political weapon. Andrew GumbelThe NationOctober 20, 2008
InvestigationJustice, Politics How Sarah Palin Excluded African Americans in Alaska Evidence that Sarah Palin avoided hiring minority staffers and shut out black business owners from Alaska’s oil board Max BlumenthalThe Daily BeastOctober 13, 2008
InvestigationPolitics Palin and the Christian Right Sarah Palin’s part in the conservative evangelical invasion of Wasilla, Alaska. Michelle GoldbergThe NationOctober 13, 2008
InvestigationPolitics Meet Sarah Palin’s Radical Right-Wing Pals Radical separatists Mark Chryson and Steve Stoll helped launch Palin’s political career and won influence in return. “Her door was open,” says Chryson – and it still is. Max Blumenthal & David NeiwertSalon.comOctober 10, 2008