Inside TIJustice Must-Read Investigations of 2021 In 2021 we produced dozens of stories, reaching millions of people through our collaborations with partners. The following are several outstanding stories that examine many of the most pressing issues of our day. Type InvestigationsDecember 14, 2021
InvestigationEnvironment Abrupt Permafrost Thaw Has Scientists Worried Adam FedermanSierra MagazineDecember 14, 2021
BackstoryImmigration, Justice The Backstory: Seth Freed Wessler Reporting inside a notorious immigration detention center Paco AlvarezDecember 3, 2021
InvestigationImmigration, Journalism The Facility A new documentary goes inside Georgia’s Irwin County Detention Center as the pandemic spreads Seth Freed WesslerField of VisionDecember 2, 2021
InvestigationImmigration, Justice Texas Troopers Opened Fire From a Helicopter in 2012. Families Are Still Fighting to Hold Them Accountable. A state police marksman unloaded 19 bullets into a speeding pickup, killing two men. Now, depositions unearth startling new details about what happened. Melissa del BosqueThe InterceptNovember 29, 2021
InvestigationEnvironment, Politics Biden Is Breaking a Promise To Block Drilling on Public Lands The federal government is still signing off on oil and gas leases. Adam FedermanThe Washington PostNovember 19, 2021
AnalysisJustice, Politics Kyle Rittenhouse, Black Lives Matter, and the Idea of Self-Defense Aaron Miguel CantúNew RepublicNovember 2, 2021
BackstoryJustice The Backstory: Irene Romulo Reporting on 'gang contracts' and the criminalization of youth Paco AlvarezOctober 14, 2021
InvestigationHealth, Labor Long Hours, Low Pay, Loneliness, and a Booming Industry The ranks of home health aides are expected to grow more than any other job in the next decade. What kind of work are they being asked to do? Liz Donovan & Muriel AlarcónColumbia Journalism Investigations, The New York TimesSeptember 25, 2021
InvestigationBusiness, Justice Police Are Giving Amazon Ring Cameras to Survivors of Domestic Violence. Is It Helping? Advocates for survivors say the approach could end up doing more harm than good. Eileen GuoMIT Technology Review, Consumer ReportsSeptember 20, 2021