InvestigationBusiness Identity Crisis Rupert Murdoch is giving The Wall Street Journal more global reach, but he’s sacrificed in-depth investigations for breaking news. Liza FeatherstoneColumbia Journalism ReviewMay 1, 2008
InvestigationJustice Famous Are the Flowers Inside the fierce – if hidden – struggle for sovereignty in Hawaii. Elinor LangerThe NationApril 28, 2008
InvestigationPolitics Sheldon Adelson: The Right’s White Knight? As Freedom’s Watch mounts a campaign to defend the war on Iraq, some conservatives are grumbling about the group – and its wealthy backer, Sheldon Adelson. Laura RozenMother JonesApril 8, 2008
InvestigationWorld Another KBR Rape Case A paramedic for a defense contractor in Iraq was brutally gang raped by a US soldier and a KBR employee. Then KBR tried to silence her. Karen HouppertThe NationApril 3, 2008
InvestigationWorld A New Deal in Pakistan The rise of a growing and enfranchised middle class may be poised to triumph over the forces of reactionary feudal landlordism in Pakistan. William DalrympleThe New York Review of BooksApril 3, 2008
InvestigationPolitics The Republican War on Voting Using the Department of Justice and its usual propaganda outlets, the GOP has propagated the myth of voter fraud to purge the rolls of non-Republicans. Art LevineThe American ProspectApril 1, 2008
InvestigationPolitics Smearing Obama Obama has made his Christian faith clear and he’s been defended by AIPAC on Israel. But the media keeps repeating the right-wing smears against him. Ari BermanThe NationMarch 31, 2008
InvestigationPolitics Could the Republicans Pick the Democratic Nominee? Some 2.3 million Democrats voted in primaries that broke the rules. Now Republicans may profit from the collateral damage. The untold story of how the GOP rigged Florida and Michigan. Wayne BarrettHuffPostMarch 31, 2008
InvestigationEnvironment, Health, Politics Toxic Trailers Redux: When Did FEMA Know? Internal documents show OSHA detected dangerous levels of formaldehyde in trailers used to house Katrina evacuees as early as 2005 but FEMA distributed them anyway. Deepa FernandesMother JonesMarch 25, 2008
InvestigationWorld Is Iran Winning the Iraq War? Iran’s influence in Iraq is staggering, from the political leadership to the insurgency. But the US is looking the other way. Robert DreyfussThe NationMarch 10, 2008