InvestigationBusiness, Politics, World The Saudi Lobbying Complex As the Obama administration signals an effort to partner with the kingdom as its key ally against ISIS, the Saudi government adds GOP Super PAC Chair Norm Coleman to its payroll. Lee FangThe NationSeptember 18, 2014
NewsPolitics Out-of-State Money Surges Into Alabama Congressional Race Gary Palmer claims his think tank’s funding is “almost entirely” from individuals. That isn’t true. Eli CliftonSeptember 18, 2014
InvestigationBusiness, Politics, World Who’s Paying the Pro-War Pundits? Talking heads are fanning fears of ISIS — but the public doesn’t know about their links to Pentagon contractors. Lee FangThe NationSeptember 12, 2014
InvestigationPolitics, World How Not to Win Hearts and Minds in Africa A hushed Pentagon investigation reveals just how poorly US Africa Command has handled its humanitarian missions. Nick TurseTomDispatchSeptember 7, 2014
BackstoryWorld The Backstory: Vivian Salama Salama discusses how she approached the topic of drone strikes and PTSD while reporting from Yemen. Vivian SalamaSeptember 3, 2014
AnalysisPolitics, World AIPAC’s Fight Against Iran Diplomacy How the Israel lobby is pushing us to war with Iran. Ali GharibSeptember 2, 2014
InvestigationEnvironment, Justice Shackling Pregnant Inmates in Pennsylvania Despite a state law prohibiting shackling of pregnant inmates after the second trimester, the practice remains common. Audrey QuinnWHYYAugust 29, 2014
NewsHealth, Justice Lawsuit Highlights Larger Questions About Genetic Research Patients’ healthcare insurers were allegedly billed thousands of dollars after consenting to donate genetic materials for a “free” clinical trial. Amanda WilsonAugust 29, 2014
ImpactImmigration, Labor Partial Victory for New Mexico’s Chileros Contratistas are finally paying farmworkers the minimum wage. But most still aren’t paying for the time spent waiting. Joseph SorrentinoAugust 28, 2014
InvestigationImmigration, Justice Lawman’s Burden A south Texas sheriff’s department with dwindling resources struggles to cope with a growing immigration crisis. Melissa del BosqueThe Texas Observer, The GuardianAugust 27, 2014